06Customized workshops
CALAS is open to offering customized workshops after assessing the needs of the community and depending on the availability of the team.
01Footprint Program
“Empreinte – Agir ensemble contre les agressions à caractère sexuel” is a prevention program for high school students, their parents and school personnel.
This program was developed jointly by the RQCALACS and Professors Manon Bergeron and Martine Hébert of the Department of Sexology at UQAM. In line with sexuality-related learning defined by the Quebec Ministry of Education, it includes 4 to 6 workshops offered in class, as well as training for school personnel and videos for parents. The goal of this program is to reduce social tolerance towards different forms of sexual violence.
- Workshop 1 (secondary 2): Sexual assault
- Workshop 2 (secondary 2): Sexual consent
- Workshop 3 (secondary 3): Disclosure and Support
- Workshop 4 (Secondary 3): Youth Empowerment Against Sexual Assault
- Workshop 5 (Secondary 3): The Culture of Hypersexualization and Gender Stereotypes
- Workshop 6 (Secondary 4): Sexual exploitation
02The #GCPT Program
#GardeÇaPourToi is a prevention program on sexting and child pornography that was developed in partnership with the Service de Police de la Ville de Gatineau and the Procureur aux poursuites criminelles et pénales du Bureau des affaires de la jeunesse.
Through our participation in this project, we hope to open a dialogue with teenagers, to allow them to develop their critical thinking skills and to question, and to understand their motivations, what influences them and the issues behind sending intimate images. Our workshop also allows them to explore positive and healthy alternatives and to learn about the resources available to them when the consequences of sexting appear, and to become engaged citizens and active witnesses to react to sexual violence. We have also developed an animation and intervention guide for school personnel. Contact us to obtain a copy.
CALAS, the definition of sexting, the culture of hypersexualization, seduction, sexual consent, the consequences of non-consensual sharing of intimate images, the role and responsibility of everyone, what to do if it happens to me, available resources.
03Sexual Assault Awareness Workshops
A workshop that increases understanding about sexual assault, using interactive tools to engage and develop critical analysis. Can be offered to mixed or single gender groups, all high school levels as well as adults.
CALAS, the definition and forms of sexual assault, the notion of sexual consent, myths and prejudices, helpful and harmful attitudes.
04Workshops for people living with an intellectual disability
In an effort to reach out to diverse women who are vulnerable to sexual assault, we developed a sexual assault prevention-awareness workshop for people living with intellectual disabilities from an intersectional feminist perspective. Interactive visual tools and audiovisual content were developed to improve the accessibility of the information shared.
Definition and forms of sexual assault, my rights, recognizing and responding to sexual assault, finding help, sexual consent, online sexual assault.
05CALAS Services Workshops
A workshop to increase understanding about sexual assault, using interactive tools to engage and develop critical analysis. Can be offered to mixed or single gender groups, all levels of high school as well as adults.
CALAS, the definition and forms of sexual assault, the notion of sexual consent, myths and prejudices, helpful and harmful attitudes.
06Customized workshops
CALAS is open to offering customized workshops after assessing the needs of the community and depending on the availability of the team.
01Footprint Program
“Empreinte – Agir ensemble contre les agressions à caractère sexuel” is a prevention program for high school students, their parents and school personnel.
This program was developed jointly by the RQCALACS and Professors Manon Bergeron and Martine Hébert of the Department of Sexology at UQAM. In line with sexuality-related learning defined by the Quebec Ministry of Education, it includes 4 to 6 workshops offered in class, as well as training for school personnel and videos for parents. The goal of this program is to reduce social tolerance towards different forms of sexual violence.
- Workshop 1 (secondary 2): Sexual assault
- Workshop 2 (secondary 2): Sexual consent
- Workshop 3 (secondary 3): Disclosure and Support
- Workshop 4 (Secondary 3): Youth Empowerment Against Sexual Assault
- Workshop 5 (Secondary 3): The Culture of Hypersexualization and Gender Stereotypes
- Workshop 6 (Secondary 4): Sexual exploitation